Excitement is great but sometimes we have to remind ourselves that we need to learn to ride the bicycle before we can enter the race.
Simon Sinek
IMG_0912Wow, can you believe that we’re merely a little over 2 weeks away from 2015!

I’m wrapping up my goal-setting for my business and personal life.  This year I decided to invest in a program by Michael Hyatt to guide me in the process.  Michael’s 5 Days To Your Best Year Ever is one of the best programs I have come across in my 15+ years of business planning and personal goal-setting.  What really differentiated his approach and system was:

  • The review around limiting beliefs holding us back from setting our goals.
  • Discovering your why and list of motivations for the goals set.
  • Systems to push you to get started.
I would definitely recommend you check out his program if 2015 is your year to finally live out your personal mission.  That may be to finally start the business you want to; commit time to a charity or cause meaningful to you; make changes in your well-being and health approaches; or simply to just live more in joy.  More information on his program can be found at: http://bestyearever.me/register/.  I’m not an affiliate of Michael Hyatt’s.  I’m just making the recommendation since I love to share great stuff when I come across it.

Now if you’re looking for some inspiration on discovering your personal mission to be able to live it out in 2015, I recommend my 5 blog posts below to help guide you:

  1. Lead from Within: Become a Leader with a Personal Mission
  2. Intrapreneurship: The Launchpad for Entrepreneurship
  3. Stuck in Workplace Misery? 3 Simple Ways Out
  4. Living with Purpose: The Key Ingredient to Meaningful Work
  5. Build a Powerful Personal Brand as a Social Entrepreneur

Also, while I’m a huge fan of inspiration, where the rubber meets the road is your taking action toward living out your personal mission.  And as stated in Simon Sinek’s quote, you first need to learn to ride the bike before you enter the race.  So, that’s why I’m recommending that you include in your action plan opportunities to learn how to achieve the goal.  The one thing that I hear over and over again when I do programs for aspiring entrepreneurs is that they feel they lack knowledge or how-to’s.  Please don’t let that hold you back in 2015.  Invest in yourself, learn what you need to and then consistently take action.

Here’s to a wonderful week ahead and taking steps toward planning for a great 2015!

In gratitude to you reading my post and sharing it with others!


[box color=”red” title=””]If one of your 2015 goals is to start your own business that is focused on products and services around the lifestyle of health and sustainability, then I’d love to help you. Find out more here about strategy sessions with me.[/box]