If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development.

Brian Tracy

Let go of the oldAt one point in our life, we’ve all been told that we’re not our job by friends or family after we had a marathon session on complaining about how horrible our job or company is. Intellectually we know that to be the truth – but emotionally – well, that’s something else. After all, we tend to be emotional beings and the intellect doesn’t always rule. Most of us derive an intense sense of satisfaction from career achievements. We bask in the glory of praise from our colleagues, bosses and customers. We start off in our career bent on changing things in the business world. Money does play a factor, but at the end of the day, it’s about that we feel we’ve contributed.

Things don’t always go as we envisioned when we set off on our career path or build that business that we always wanted. Others get the promotion, credit, monetary rewards, new business, market share, faster product launches and new clients. We try to work harder, longer hours or see how we can compete. Others appear to continually get the breaks and get the starring role while you feel like you are only being handed the roles of the substitute. So, what can you do to step right back up to the center of stage and have the spotlight shine on you?

As in the Brian Tracy quote above, it comes down to self-development. Focusing on the others and seeing them continually as your competition will keep you stuck. And, yes, we all do this. It’s sometimes easier to focus on the external circumstances than to take responsibility for what we can really do to shape on our own destiny. Here are five practices that you can take on as part of your rehearsal for that lead role again:

  1. Smile. Smile. Smile. Several studies show that there are causal effects between our facial expression and emotions. If you smile, you’re more likely to feel happy. Plus, people are more drawn to happy and smiling faces. (Hint, hint: very effective with bosses, employees and customers…)Intrapreneurship
  2. Strive for excellence. This doesn’t mean that you have to be perfect, but that you use your talents, abilities and skills in the best possible way to get ahead by going that extra mile. As Charles Francis Adams infamously said: No one ever attains very eminent success by simply doing what is required of him, it is the amount and excellence of what is over and above the required that determines the greatness of ultimate distinction.
  3. Support a cause. Become known for giving back to others. Distinguish yourself from your peers and competitors by fostering corporate good will in your community. Obviously, you need to be sincere in rallying for the issue and not just using it to boost your image. As the saying goes, the more you give, the more you receive. Make it then your mission to be a corporate philanthropist.
  4. Make others feel good. A marketing professor I had for a MBA class said that you always have to address MMFI in your marketing efforts. MMFI stands for “Make Me Feel Important”. I’ve come to realize that it goes beyond just making people feel important. People want to feel good. There’s so much negativity that goes on in our world that people long for an ounce of optimism, laughter and genuine interest in them. Compliment people sincerely or share a corny joke to lift their spirits – it works wonders!
  5. Know when to share the stage with others. We like to think that the guy who boasts all about his accomplishments or the gal who continually drops names is more likely to stand out. However, that’s normally not the case. People who share and give credit, thank others for the contributions and want to collaborate are seen as leaders. They build trust and credibility, which translates into visibility and reputation. Visibility and reputation are must-have’s for acquiring leading roles.

Here’s to your taking ownership and crafting a career that allows you to be authentic and do what you love!  Also, if you like what you read, please share it with others by clicking one of the cute buttons above!