“In your career, as in your life, you have to know who you are and stay true to that.”

Diane von Furstenberg

One of my passions: nature photography.
One of my passions: nature photography.

Ever wonder why so many people are plain drained?  A lot of times we are just living according to obligations and trying to meet others’ expectations for us.  With that – there’s nothing to fuel you consistently.  If you read about the old societal traditions, you’ll hear a lot about celebrations, feasts, creativity, art, dancing, singing, i.e. the right brain was continually challenged.  Why not mix things up a bit in your career and commit to finding out who you truly are and sticking to it? Have some fun and weave your passions into your life.  So, what are the things you love to do that you’re totally passionate about?  Find a way to integrate one into your daily living. This could be in your corporate career or used as fuel to help you launch your own business. The key is to do both the inner and outer work to make things happen and not just fantasize about it.

Here are some questions that will really help you in the process:


If I were free to do anything I want to, what would I do?


What do I love to do that makes me lose track of all time?


What have people complimented me on?


What issues in the world bring me to tears?


How would I structure my current job or business if I could?


Which organization would I most like to work for or model my own business after?


Whose biography do I most admire?


Who are my role models?


Which charity would I give my entire paycheck to if I could?


What do I see as my talents?


How would I structure my perfect day?


What does money mean to me?


What are my top 3 core values?


Do you give up or move toward your dreamAnd from here you want to tie everything together to formulate your roadmap, i.e. personal brand…

This is how I will live out my personal brand:


My core values will be reflected as: (This means what principles guide me in my beliefs and actions? If you don’t allow these to drive you, you’re going against who you are.)


I stand for: (What causes are important to me? What moves me to tears? What makes me want to go out into the world and do something about it?)


The one thing do I want to accomplish before I leave this planet is: (This isn’t about what others will say about you at your funeral, but what you want to have completed.)


On a daily basis I commit to doing one thing that brings me joy, such as: (What am I doing when I lose track of all time?)


I can best serve others by: (What are my greatest gifts that could make an impact in this world?)

My personal mission is:



Remember in the end that living out your passions is dependent upon giving yourself permission to follow through on what comes up for you during the exercise process. That’s what takes it from dreaming to doing. It will be continual overcoming of the inner blocks to create momentum, but just so worth it. Looking forward to your joining the league of change-makers.

[box color=”red” title=””]Also, I’m always here to guide you if you’re looking to take a leadership role in creating your personal brand as a social entrepreneur or aspiring one. A personal branding strategy session with me will give you the guidance you need. More here. [/box]