The way I see it if we were encouraged to express who we truly are, we’d all be very loving beings, each bringing our uniqueness to the world.

Anita Moorjani


Revolutionize the business worldCraft Your Authentically You Personal Brand

Personal branding has become such a hot topic in today’s business world. A quick search on Amazon yields over 2,800 results. So, why is personal branding so important? Changes in the economy and the flattening of the world really drive home Tom Peters quote: “We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You.” I’ve been conducting personal branding workshops and providing strategy sessions for over 3 years for both entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs looking to differentiate themselves and make a difference. The topic seems to have taken on even greater importance in the business world since when I started out with offering programs.

A Fun Workbook to Create Your Very Own Dream Career

If you’re reading this, my guess is that you’re someone who wants to make your mark on the world and create positive change. You’re just looking for a little guidance on identifying your special qualities to help you bring about success and create impact.

I am in a lot of ways just like you. I always wanted to make a difference in the business world – by being authentically me and bringing my values and beliefs to the table. However, as I progressed in the corporate world, I somewhat lost touch with this approach. I tried to fit into corporate norms and roles. As a result my fulfillment factor went down majorly. When I started to create training programs for my corporate customers on personal branding, I decided to take a different stance on personal branding. My personal branding program might be a bit different from some of mainstream ones in that my own journey taught me that your personal brand has to be based upon who you truly are and not some persona you’re trying to create.

So, if you’re ready to craft your own authentic and powerful personal brand – then to help you get started, I created a workbook that will guide you remember the dreams you had growing up. Those dreams and desires are key to your own personal brand. They’re the authentic Brand You.

To get your hands on this fun workbook, just fill out the form below. Thanks for joining the circle of Change-Makers! After all, your dreams deserve action.